Ushtrasana (camel pose)

Yesterday, when I finished my daily practice, I felt the need (the need? maybe there is a better word) to share a bit about this asana.

No, I don’t know why we call this asana “camel pose”, all that I know is how we feel after doing it. As anahata is concerned, among others chakras, when we let go and are one with the pose, love irradiate from us. This feeling is so amazing.

An advice: don’t be afraid of doing it. You will not break your spine, or neck, you will not fall. Trust in your teacher who will help you to overcome the difficulties that may arise. There should be no violent movements, only smooth, slow and relaxed ones.

It’s important that your teacher is aware of any health problems you may have and, concerning this pose, those with severe back ailments such as lumbago or enlarged thyroid should not attempt it without expert guidance.

From a physical point of view, ushtrasana applies a wonderful stretch to the whole chest and abdomen, at the same time imparting a thorough massage to the internal organs. As a result, it is useful for alleviating various abdominal ailments associated with the kidneys, pancreas, intestines, liver, etc. 

The ribcage is expanded and the associated muscles are made more supple. The result? A deeper breathing is facilitated so, do not hesitate of doing it if you suffer from asthma.

With the backward bend, the shoulders are pulled backwards and the chest, forwards, helping to correct rounded shoulders and a stooping back.

And from a spiritual point of view, you will “activate” swadhistana, anahata and vishuddhi. Shall I say more?😉


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